When you want to retire from being a mom

They’re so innocent and smell so sweet and made in His image. I’m blessed with a baby girl. Years later I give her the gift of a sister. To me, it’s a precious gift. They bond immediately. They crave each other. Protect each other. Love each other. Giggles and sleep overs in each others rooms and sweet secrets between the two. It’s an in breakable bond so how does it come to this? One says they’re done trying to foster a relationship anymore. One is so hurt by the world that this relationship is too much effort. Why is it that we hurt the ones we love the most and why does venom pour out so easily. Why is it easier to walk away than work to stay together. They would never talk to friends that way. And sisters are the best friends you can have. For me the answer is this. That God can still work miracles and soften the hardest heart. And train up a child promise rings true. That I’ve given them real bread and introduced them to living water. That Jesus lives still in their hearts and hope is in Him. I try to talk to each one. But each retreats. I will pray circles around them until the walls crumble and hearts soften and empathy for one another is first. Being a mom is the best and hardest job ever and I have to rely on Him to lead me so I can lead them. I love the blessing of motherhood and the benefits that go along with it. And with good comes struggles. And God redeems and restores families and He binds us together. So if you’re tired and weary. Know you’re not alone. We all have our days. He will take your yolk upon Himself. He is your strength and light. And the moon is full and waves crash and I’m at peace tonight.

About kim spring

I'm a Jesus girl,a daughter of the King, wife to my best friend, mother to 4 amazing Jesus seeking children. I'm a broken, yet bandaged,sinner who's forgiven. I attempt a bit of homeschooling and I love a good art project. My home is my castle and Jesus is my inspiration. My passion is to see people walk in freedom and to embrace who God made them to be...I am a work in progress!
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