No Longer A Slave

Galatians 5:1 ” Christ has liberated us to be free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery.”

I remember the day. I had stayed home from church because I had so much shame. I just knew that I would always have a addiction and that God wanted freedom for everyone except me. I was so tired of making these bold statements to my family and then going back on my word. I didn’t want to hear the preacher say anything that I already knew about myself. I was a failure.

But God…He met me that day, in the quiet of my computer…on a Billy Graham hit me. He did want me and love me and I did want freedom and to be a mom to my sweet children. I had just gotten back from a month long treatment in minnesota and had already messed up. I wanted them to trust me and to love me.

I watched video after video of addicts that had surrendered it all and God had taken away their addiction. The common denominator was surrendered. So I went in the bathroom and hit my knees and surrendered that day to Jesus. I asked the Holy Spirit to be my hands and feet and to think for me, since I couldn’t think for myself at the time. Now fast forward and I am wanting to share all I have!

My life is a living testimony to what the power of Jesus can do if we let Him…

I just left my sweet daughters bedroom after saying her prayers and hearing about her day. Thats just one of the rewards of living a life of freedom.

And I can hear the waves of the ocean…God’s voice is everywhere

Let’s pray: Holy Spirit, I ask that You move in a mighty way tonight in the live of all those struggling with something that is taking them far away from You. I ask that You keep them safe until they truly get it. Give their loved ones patience and a fresh set of eyes and a loving patience that only You can give. Thank You for loving the sinner and for sending Jesus to die for us. Help the ones who are free to share what they have, no matter what. In Jesus name, amen


About kim spring

I'm a Jesus girl,a daughter of the King, wife to my best friend, mother to 4 amazing Jesus seeking children. I'm a broken, yet bandaged,sinner who's forgiven. I attempt a bit of homeschooling and I love a good art project. My home is my castle and Jesus is my inspiration. My passion is to see people walk in freedom and to embrace who God made them to be...I am a work in progress!
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