When You Wish Things Were Different

“Acceptance is the key to all my problems today” was hanging on the wall in one of my first AA meetings…13 1/2 years ago. That’s when I began my journey to healing from an addiction that was stealing my life. Days of barely hanging on, trying to just put one foot in front of the other and raising 3 children and attempting to be a wife ( a really bad one at that).

I knew God…I was saved! I had gone to church every Sunday and Wednesday since birth. Why was this happening to me? I thought if one more person told me that God must think I am really strong, that He knew I could handle it….and so on and so on…I might have screamed. “Think of your children”….”if you love your kids you can do anything for them”…except this. So I felt like a failure.

You see, that is exactly what the enemy wanted me to think. He wanted me to be so distracted from my actual calling that he fed me lie after lie after lie. But one day, I surrendered! I was so tired of being so tired that I had to make a change. It was pretty ironic that it was the Billy Graham online videos that brought me to my knees: because it was Billy Graham that brought me to my decision to follow the Lord. Isn’t God so good!

Things were finally different because I was different. And to be different, I had to do three things; surrender, surround, sit at His feet..

  1. Surrender-give it all to God! 100% of your life has to be in His capable hands. And don’t take it back after you have given it to Him…
  2. Surround-place yourself with women who are for you! Get in a small group or life group with other women who love God and are walking out their testimony. You will so love the encouragement and the prayers from these women. God didn’t create us to walk this alone!
  3. Sit at His feet-Nothing refreshes and renews like a quiet time with Jesus. Just being still and shutting out the world and listening for His voice can heal so many wounds and quench the thirst of needing more of Him.

If this is you today and you are tired of making resolutions that you can’t keep, then just make one decision today…choose to follow God and let Jesus come into your heart. And if He already is your Lord, and you are struggling today, try something different and let Him be your Leader! He won’t let you down…

Need prayer today? Leave me a message or a request and know I am on it!

Dear God, thank You so much for loving us…for caring about each and every detail of our life. You never meant for us to go it alone. You are more than able to take every burden that we bear and make it beautiful and light. Thank You for being for us and for sending Jesus to go before us. Help those today who are still suffering. Lead them to the truth and give them hope today. In Jesus name, amen

Lincoln Bible Library of Congress

About kim spring

I'm a Jesus girl,a daughter of the King, wife to my best friend, mother to 4 amazing Jesus seeking children. I'm a broken, yet bandaged,sinner who's forgiven. I attempt a bit of homeschooling and I love a good art project. My home is my castle and Jesus is my inspiration. My passion is to see people walk in freedom and to embrace who God made them to be...I am a work in progress!
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