No Longer A Slave

Galatians 5:1 ” Christ has liberated us to be free. Stand firm then and don’t submit again to a yoke of slavery.”

I remember the day. I had stayed home from church because I had so much shame. I just knew that I would always have a addiction and that God wanted freedom for everyone except me. I was so tired of making these bold statements to my family and then going back on my word. I didn’t want to hear the preacher say anything that I already knew about myself. I was a failure.

But God…He met me that day, in the quiet of my computer…on a Billy Graham hit me. He did want me and love me and I did want freedom and to be a mom to my sweet children. I had just gotten back from a month long treatment in minnesota and had already messed up. I wanted them to trust me and to love me.

I watched video after video of addicts that had surrendered it all and God had taken away their addiction. The common denominator was surrendered. So I went in the bathroom and hit my knees and surrendered that day to Jesus. I asked the Holy Spirit to be my hands and feet and to think for me, since I couldn’t think for myself at the time. Now fast forward and I am wanting to share all I have!

My life is a living testimony to what the power of Jesus can do if we let Him…

I just left my sweet daughters bedroom after saying her prayers and hearing about her day. Thats just one of the rewards of living a life of freedom.

And I can hear the waves of the ocean…God’s voice is everywhere

Let’s pray: Holy Spirit, I ask that You move in a mighty way tonight in the live of all those struggling with something that is taking them far away from You. I ask that You keep them safe until they truly get it. Give their loved ones patience and a fresh set of eyes and a loving patience that only You can give. Thank You for loving the sinner and for sending Jesus to die for us. Help the ones who are free to share what they have, no matter what. In Jesus name, amen


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A Prodigal

I am a prodigal…daughter that is. See, God gave me a story. It wasn’t pretty and I ran from it. It was so painful to think about that I pushed it so far away…I actually forgot who I was. I was an addict…I was a mess ( and not a beautiful one). I forgot birthdays and teddy bear days and all the important days that matter to a child. I thought no one knew, after all, it wasn’t alcohol. But they did..and I am so glad that my family cared enough to stop me and to save me from myself.

Today, I walk in freedom. And He has given me a passion to help others who are living in bondage from anything…because He came to set us all free! What is keeping you from living the life that Jesus died for? Do you feel that you have moved so far that you don’t even know how to come back?

I was told one day that you can never go so far that His arms can’t reach you still. I believe that with all my heart. It doesn’t have to be some addiction to alcohol or drugs. It can simply be that you are stuck in a comparison trap or you can’t move past a good time in your life when everything was so amazing. Whatever it is, leave it behind and take up your “cross” and follow Him! He is waiting!

Now I am about to have 8 women join me in my home today for some coffee and treats and to dig into His Word! Have a great weekend!

join me here and I will be sharing how He broke those chains and how He still works in my life today.

Let us pray: Dear Lord, You are awesome and amazing! You are all powerful and all knowing. You know what our next thought is before we even think it. Lord, we know that we are supposed to be living abundant free lives and that You sent Jesus to die, just for us. But sometimes we get caught in a cycle that only You can break. So today, we ask that You break these today. Spirit of God, give them courage today to lay it all down at Your feet and know that You alone are all they need. Guide and direct our paths. IN Jesus name, amen

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When You Wish Things Were Different

“Acceptance is the key to all my problems today” was hanging on the wall in one of my first AA meetings…13 1/2 years ago. That’s when I began my journey to healing from an addiction that was stealing my life. Days of barely hanging on, trying to just put one foot in front of the other and raising 3 children and attempting to be a wife ( a really bad one at that).

I knew God…I was saved! I had gone to church every Sunday and Wednesday since birth. Why was this happening to me? I thought if one more person told me that God must think I am really strong, that He knew I could handle it….and so on and so on…I might have screamed. “Think of your children”….”if you love your kids you can do anything for them”…except this. So I felt like a failure.

You see, that is exactly what the enemy wanted me to think. He wanted me to be so distracted from my actual calling that he fed me lie after lie after lie. But one day, I surrendered! I was so tired of being so tired that I had to make a change. It was pretty ironic that it was the Billy Graham online videos that brought me to my knees: because it was Billy Graham that brought me to my decision to follow the Lord. Isn’t God so good!

Things were finally different because I was different. And to be different, I had to do three things; surrender, surround, sit at His feet..

  1. Surrender-give it all to God! 100% of your life has to be in His capable hands. And don’t take it back after you have given it to Him…
  2. Surround-place yourself with women who are for you! Get in a small group or life group with other women who love God and are walking out their testimony. You will so love the encouragement and the prayers from these women. God didn’t create us to walk this alone!
  3. Sit at His feet-Nothing refreshes and renews like a quiet time with Jesus. Just being still and shutting out the world and listening for His voice can heal so many wounds and quench the thirst of needing more of Him.

If this is you today and you are tired of making resolutions that you can’t keep, then just make one decision today…choose to follow God and let Jesus come into your heart. And if He already is your Lord, and you are struggling today, try something different and let Him be your Leader! He won’t let you down…

Need prayer today? Leave me a message or a request and know I am on it!

Dear God, thank You so much for loving us…for caring about each and every detail of our life. You never meant for us to go it alone. You are more than able to take every burden that we bear and make it beautiful and light. Thank You for being for us and for sending Jesus to go before us. Help those today who are still suffering. Lead them to the truth and give them hope today. In Jesus name, amen

Lincoln Bible Library of Congress

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Letter to my dad

Dear Daddy,
Happy Birthday to the greatest, sweetest, most loving, godly man I know. I can never thank my Heavenly Father enough for allowing me to be raised by you. To be loved by you and adored by you , I always felt it. It’s a feeling beyond description to know how excited you are that I’m yours. Your face lights up when we, your daughters, walk in the room.
The gift you gave so freely is priceless. The gift of salvation and being introduced to Jesus. Day in and day out watching you live out loud your love for Him. And your life points all back to the cross. You told all who would listen about your Savior. Your Redeemer. Even if they didn’t want to hear and you prayed for everyone you saw. Your mom stayed on her knees too. An example she was and you followed. What a man. I am so proud of your whole life. The singing beautifully to Him and about Him. Teaching boys Sunday school. Taking care of your wife. Providing for your family. We wanted for nothing. Even if we had, you were and still are enough.
The lessons I’ve learned through you are too many to count. Family is important but God always comes first. Nothing means anything without Him. You always said you had everything you ever needed as long as you had your family. Through good and not so good you love unconditionally. And the best grandfather for sure. My son is forever marked by you. What a role model he has in you. The bond between you and Gage is unbreakable. And the love he has for you immeasurable.
Jesus birth and death always celebrated and respected. Church was a given no matter what. I’m so grateful. That habit was life saving. And I love that I was raised by you!!!!

Thank you. I love you. Happy Birthday!

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Girls with Swords Bible Study

Just want to inform you I will be blogging soon about a book by Lisa Bevere called Girls With Swords. I’m so excited. If you want to join the study over at GirlfriendsCoffeeHour here’s the link!

Talk to you soon!

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When you finally trust Him wholly

I worry. And stress. And allow myself to be someone I’m not. A distracted mother. That’s not me. I’m present. In their lives and in all we do. Things of this world distract. When He takes care of every need we have ever had, why do I ever ever doubt? We had things due this week. Bills that couldn’t be paid. But God is bigger than my biggest problem and the light bill. See, today is our cutoff day and Thursday is payday. So what do you do ? You praise God for the miracle that you know He’s going to do. Oh yes I go back and forth. One day I live in fear. The next I live surrendered. The next is half and half. Then Sunday I receive a check. It’s more than I asked for and enough to keep the lights on and communications to the outside world. And I can feed the kids. Well. This week they won’t be hungry. If I could go back I would enjoy the kids more. And not let my mind wander away from the present. To places of worry and doubt. Because He’s proven over and over I’m never alone and He may deliver in the 11th hour but He will. We need only praise and petition and continue on the right path. And live righteously. He is enough. Even if His answer isn’t the one you wanted, it’s the right one. He’s a giver of good.

Praising Him today. Living for Him today.
And counting still!
#200- wind blowing palm trees
#201- provision
#203-homeschooling days
#204-crashing waves two streets over
#205-friendships. Old and new
#206-a happy husband with a new purpose.
Grace and blessings a plenty.
In Him.

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When you want to retire from being a mom

They’re so innocent and smell so sweet and made in His image. I’m blessed with a baby girl. Years later I give her the gift of a sister. To me, it’s a precious gift. They bond immediately. They crave each other. Protect each other. Love each other. Giggles and sleep overs in each others rooms and sweet secrets between the two. It’s an in breakable bond so how does it come to this? One says they’re done trying to foster a relationship anymore. One is so hurt by the world that this relationship is too much effort. Why is it that we hurt the ones we love the most and why does venom pour out so easily. Why is it easier to walk away than work to stay together. They would never talk to friends that way. And sisters are the best friends you can have. For me the answer is this. That God can still work miracles and soften the hardest heart. And train up a child promise rings true. That I’ve given them real bread and introduced them to living water. That Jesus lives still in their hearts and hope is in Him. I try to talk to each one. But each retreats. I will pray circles around them until the walls crumble and hearts soften and empathy for one another is first. Being a mom is the best and hardest job ever and I have to rely on Him to lead me so I can lead them. I love the blessing of motherhood and the benefits that go along with it. And with good comes struggles. And God redeems and restores families and He binds us together. So if you’re tired and weary. Know you’re not alone. We all have our days. He will take your yolk upon Himself. He is your strength and light. And the moon is full and waves crash and I’m at peace tonight.

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The Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount

Seeing the crowds, He went up on the mountain and when He sat down, His desciples came to Him. Matthew 5;1.2  And He opened His mouth and taught them saying. blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs in the kingdom of Heaven, Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted, blessed are the meak for they shall inherit the earth.

I have always wanted to learn the beatitudes, the sermon on the mount and now i am, with the help of a booklet downloaded from Ann Voskamps blog, I made it in a journal, glueing each one to a separate page and creating a space to journal about each one. I am in awe of my Creator and how much He loves me and my family, and each of us. this is where i begin. I am memorizing them now, I love you God, i cannot wait to see my life blessed just by knowing You and Praising You for who you are. and the greatest part is that I am yours.

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